The Amber Network is a place where people who are experiencing, or have experienced infertility can be informed, be nurtured, and connect with other people in the same situation.

In order to keep things running smoothly and to be fair for all, we have compiled Terms & Conditions which will need to be accepted in order to join The Amber Network. Please read these carefully and if you accept, please do so at the bottom.

While this network is all about bringing people together on a similar journey, no two people will have the exact same experience. Because of this, we ask for a general level of respect, courtesy, and friendliness at all times.

  1. Respect, understanding, integrity and empathy are guiding principles of The Amber Network and part of expected conduct. If we find that these principles have not been met, a review will be undertaken and you may receive a warning, or depending on the severity of the remarks, you may be removed from The Amber Network all together.
  2. Within the forum, there are to be no negative posts shaming businesses or specialists – these types of posts can have legal consequences for The Amber Network, can be unfairly represented, and can introduce negativity within the group. The Amber Network is a place of positivity, and encouragement. If someone requests feedback, please be respectful in your response.
  3. There are to be no business or sales related posts within the forum of any kind, unless it has been pre-approved by The Amber Network (requests can be emailed through to contact@theambernetwork.com.au. This includes if a member asks for a recommendation for a specific product or service that you are in the business of selling. Any non-approved business post will be immediately removed and the poster will be contacted and warned. Repeat posts will see the member removed from the network.
  4. Every Tuesday, The Amber Network will hold a business night between the hours of 7pm-9pm where you can have your business promoted within the network. All placements must be approved and booked via contact@theambernetwork.com.au. The Amber Network’s core responsibility is the protect our members, who during fertility treatment, could already feel like they are being sold to a lot. With this in mind, The Amber Network has the right to decline any business adverts if they do not meet our requirements.
  5. The Amber Network is not a medical advice network so please do not ask for, or post medical advice of any kind. If a member posts seeking advice, please refer the person onto a specialist if you have a recommendation (if it’s not you, or you’re not affiliated in some way).
  6. Events – The Amber Network is more than happy to promote events. Please reach out to contact@theambernetwork.com.au for more information. Please do not post about these on the forum, without approval.
  7. For anonymous forum posts, please email contact@theambernetwork.com.au
  8. Members who carry the “networking” badge on their, have pre-approved for other members who also carry the “networking” badge, to contact them directly to chat or meet in person off the network. You will be unable to directly contact members without the “networking” badge.
  9. Do not share any information from The Amber Networks forum, externally. The privacy of our members is our top priority. The Amber Network is a supportive and closed community, which is designed to assist all those on their infertility journey. There will be highly personal posts and intimate information both anonymously and openly. We would appreciate people respect the privacy of the members and the group. Therefore, if it is determined that members have used posts from the forum and shared them externally, whether that be to mock other members or damage the name of The Amber Network in general, you will be removed from the network immediately.
  10. If you have any issue with a member, admin, or how we run The Amber Network, we ask that you contact us directly, immediately. We want everyone to gain from The Amber Network, and therefore need to be informed if we have offended or neglected anyone.
  11. If you feel at any time, that you have not been treated fairly or respectfully, please report it to contact@theambernetwork.com.au and we will review it immediately.

The Amber Network is a safe space, and a place to feel nurtured and supported. These Terms & Conditions might seem harsh in places, but we are committed to protecting all members. We thank you for your cooperation and participation.

These Terms & Conditions were set on 19th September, 2021. Members will be notified immediately of any changes made after this date.

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